• 330 Weaver Rd. Suite 300, Florence, KY 41042
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About M&D

jim-marshall-founder-md-insulationIt all started back in 1974 when a guy named Jim Marshall and his friend Bob Domaschko thought they could do a better job of servicing customers in the residential insulation business.  And they did! M&D Insulation has grown into the largest supplier of insulation in the Northern Kentucky area with over a dozen trucks and a large warehouse centrally located in Florence.  Although M&D is now part of the nationwide company Installed Building Products, Jim Marshall still oversees projects of all sizes as this area’s Branch Manager. Call Jim or any of the sales guys at M&D for a quote or fill out the form below and find out how well they’ve “got you covered.”

Products We Install

Our insulation team adds energy efficiency, comfort & value to homes & buildings.

Shower Doors

We offer a large assortment of framed and frameless shower doors.


From standard sizes to custom cuts, we offer all types of mirrors.

Ventilated Shelving

M&D Insulation installs quality shelving and storage solutions.

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